Well, makeup, bad tv, and my cats (and husband). With that being said, for me, free makeup makes everything better, as I'm a Bzzagent, which is a super awesome website/program via which I get free products (like makeup) to try out and give my opinion about - which is great because, let's face it, I love free stuff and I'm opinionated, so win-win. So that's what today's post will be about, the latest free products that I received from Covergirl (part of their "blast" collection).
As a side note on this campaign from Covergirl, I'm also extra inspired to write about this by the fact that I recently may or may not have watched a Bravo marathon of
America's Next Top Model from 2008 (Cycle 11), during which the models had to participate in loads of Covergirl related ads/campaigns, etc. So you see, this IS bad tv related. Also, I really really want to go to
Holland after watching ANTM, who filmed a lot of the competition there. So country of Holland, if you are reading this, you need to provide me with a free trip to you so I can visit and buy clogs (though they look uncomfortable, but are unbelievably cute):
Clogs/Holland, here I come.
But anyhow, back to the review of the Covergirl Blast Makeup:
We'll start with the Covergirl Shineblast lipgloss (in shade, Sparkler):
So, as you can see, it's pretty much a gorgeous shade of pink (which is my most favy fav color in makeup just so you know). Upon first glance, I thought this might have some chunky silver glitter in it (which would not have been pleasant), because that is what it looks like in the tube, BUT it didn't. The glittery shine is really really fine, so it's not chunky or tacky. Plus, the gloss tastes like watermelon and is super yummy. Taste is really important to me in a gloss, and this was pretty much delicious, so two thumbs up for that. And it has a nice, smooth texture, not sticky, icky, or tacky, just shiny and pleasant feeling on the lips. The only thing I didn't like is that I was expecting a pretty, shiny, baby pink color on the lips, but instead got a "your lips but shiny" result instead, with almost no color payoff (but it's so pretty in the tube, waaaaaah!). I remedied this by adding some tinted lip balm beneath the gloss, and voila! Some pretty, shiny, PINK results. And the consistency/shiny-ness/taste was ranking up there with MAC, so pretty good job Covergirl.
yesterday's post, I'm starting a new rating system which will consist of rice krispie treats. There will be a score out of 5 rice krispie treats. So this gloss gets four out of five rice krispies!!
4/5 RKT
Next, the Shadowblast Shadow in Purple Plume:
Now, I really really like this concept of easy to apply shadow in a lipstick like case (double sided, for convenience). Plus, it reminds me of an eyeshadow (in light purple no less) that was part of a set of children's makeup I received as a kid from my biffly bff (the most adorable and awesome gift ever, no joke, the lipstick, eyeshadows, etc. looked like crayons, and really worked when applied). SO, with that trip down memory lane, I was all "eeeeeee, just like my makeup crayons" when this arrived. And there was an instruction booklet with it (and directions on the back to create a sexy, smoky eye).
This was good, as whenever I've tried for the "sexy, smoky, eye," I usually get "sexy, smoky bruise" instead, and look like I have a black eye (no good). But, I followed the directions with this, applying the light, shiny color (sort of a light pinky-purple) all over the eye, which took all of 2 seconds (so quick, easy), followed by the darker color on the upper lashline and crease of the eye, which again, took 2 seconds, so I was pleasantly surprised with how easy and quick this was to apply. Since the darker color kind of acts like a liner, you can skip that step if in a hurry (I added a bit of top lash liner anyways). Then you smudge a bit with your finger, and you're set.
The end result was pretty, not too overtly dark, but nice. The only problem was, when I smudged it into place, I noticed how creamy it stays when applied (read: you know this is going to crease), plus, if you touch/rub your eye, it comes off! I kind of expected more of a cream-to-powder consistency, and was slightly disappointed by this. Sure enough, it did crease and wear off later in the day after application, but if you carry (it's small and portable) it in your purse, again, it takes about 2 seconds to reapply. It's also nice to carry around to go from casual to nighttime quickly, when on the go.
Adding powder shadow on top helped with the creasing (so did a shadow base), but I was a little disappointed in the way this creased/wore off as the day went on (though I did reapply).
So, for this one, I'm giving 3/5 RKT with an extra shout out for being like my makeup crayons.
And there you go!