Whoo Hoo - I won a purrfect calender on the meowvelous Cat's Meow Blog! The Cat's Meow Blog is not only fun, it's run by the meowmy of the uberadorable Skeezix the Cat! How cool is that? And now people might actually come here and read my crazy rants about waiting in line, bad tv and my kitties...so hopefully they won't think I'm too crazy!
That AND my newest little kitten is no longer urine marking since his neutering (thankfully this phase only lasted a few weeks and now, my 6-month-old is fixed and leaving no more "surprises" for me) - seriously, this is one great week, LOL!
Excited and happy purrs,
Yeah, yoo won something! And now we is here looking around yoor blog...'cuz now we know yoor here!